Performance Commentary

In the month of November, the portfolio gained 5.7%, but underperformed the benchmark S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index by 4.6%.

The news of COVID-19 vaccine success saw global markets rocket higher – as did Australian shares. Small caps, which are particularly sensitive to changes in the economy, went soaring as well.

We remain weighted towards the financial services sector as banks continue to off load wealth management services and independent planners require infrastructure and platforms provided by the likes of HUB24 (HUB) and Netwealth (NWL).

Omnibridge (+22%) and Bravura (+14%) were some of our best gainers, while Rhipe and Bapcor detracted from performance.

Investment Objectives

We aim to achieve superior returns to the ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index by investing in high growth companies. Our investment process incorporates environmental and social factors in addition to achieving our returns.

Portfolio Characteristics