Performance Commentary

In the month of December, the portfolio fell 0.5%, underperforming a strong benchmark S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index which rose by 2.8%.
The rotation into resources stocks continued as commodity prices extended their increases with fears of inflation. As COVID-19 vaccinations begin, global markets are in balance. On the one hand, a reduction in COVID-19 infections is good for the economy resuming normal functions. However, other the other hand, this may also cause governments to withdraw stimulus and support to what is a very fragile economy.
Flows into smaller companies continues to be stronger as they provide higher growth rates in a tepid economy. Picking companies that can expand during this crisis is critical.

Investment Objectives
We aim to achieve superior returns to the ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index by investing in high growth companies. Our investment process incorporates environmental and social factors in addition to achieving our returns.

Portfolio Characteristics